interview Fro Rojas

Award-winning Director and Photographer Fro Rojas talks to Others Mag about his photographic influences, musical inspirations,  weaving . Miami’s Hispanic culture through his multi-medium storytelling, and crossing over from directing to shooting pictures. Check it out!


When did you first pick a camera?

If we’re talking video, it was in high school. I signed up for the TV production program at our school and was offered to shoot some vids to promote the wrestling team having a bake sale or something. Came up with a concept, shot it and just fell in love with the medium.

If we’re talking photography it started about 5 years ago. I was working on a project for an advertising client of mine and he asked me to take stills to showcase to their client that I can handle the photography aspect of the project as well. Initially I wasn't really interested since I was mainly focused on directing. But worked with a model and shot some tests and fell in love with photography.

Do you have specific influences in your work?

I think various things influence my work. Music being a huge one… Future Islands, my all time fave band, just listening to their music gives me a rush of visuals that inspire me to shoot. When it comes to directors/photographers there are so many. Andy Warhol is a huge inspiration for me, his work with the Big Shot polaroid is some of my favorite stuff. Then directors like Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Hype Williams, David Fincher all have had a ton of influence in my work. Being a director for 10+ years I feel like I’ve tried to apply a story telling element to my images so that brings something different. I think the 70’s and 80’s as an era influence so much of my work.


What would you say is your signature as a photographer?

I think it would be the vintage vibes. Growing up my mom had polaroids and images from her in the 70’s and 80’s and I always loved the way they looked. So when I got into photography I studied what film and camera they used back then to shoot similar vibes.

How did you get started?

As a director, I was an editor at a post production facility… and I was doing short films and projects on my own on weekends and days off. Several advertising clients started to notice the short films and asked me to direct commercials and social media campaigns they had for their clients and the rest is history.

As a photographer, it’s how I mentioned before, a client asked me to shoot a test and I fell in love with the medium. Then started shooting with modeling agencies, clients, brands and so on.

What’s been the most surprising element of your job?

I think in general it’s how down to earth most of the people in the industry are. i’ve been very fortunate to work with some amazing models and talented actors and most have been so chill and great to work with.

Any other artistic medium you are interested to explore?

I think studying architecture and design. One of the aspects I love incorporating into my shoots is finding an amazing location filled with texture and design. I’ll drive around town and search homes and spots that have a unique look. In doing all of this I’ve developed a love for architecture. I have a good friend of mine who’s an architect and we talk design all the time.


What gets you off - literally and figuratively?

Traveling. Being able to explore and go on adventures is just a natural high. The more I see the more I am inspired to tell stories. Lynch once said “every experience feeds ideas.” and that’s very accurate.

You’re based out of Miami - are they certain things that has influenced you? What makes it a special place for you?

I’m based out of Miami, FL. I’ve lived in LA and NY as well… and mostly I tend to consider LA home but what I love about Miami is the culture. As a Hispanic, I feel like Miami is a melting pot of all of the different Hispanic cultures coming together in this city. Plus we have the best beaches and croquetas in the country.


Film or digital?

Both. I shoot both all the time and love them. Film will forever be a beautiful format that gives you perfect imperfections. Digital provides you with quick results and allows you to shoot a ton more. Both are great for

If you could choose any era to work in which would it be? Why?

I think the 70’s/80’s. Something about the Studio 54 era that is just amazing to me. The fashion, the breaking down barriers of that era are something I wish I could have photographed.


Who or what would be your dream subject to shoot?

It would definitely be Cindy Crawford. Growing up she was epitome of the term supermodel. She’s a legend in her field and just someone who’s past work has influenced me a bunch.


What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

While not a virtue… I hate arrogance. I am one of the most chill people you will ever meet and enjoy being happy and making people happy. Don’t need any negative vibes and energy in my life.