Between Copenhagen and New York, photographer Dennis Stenild (@dennisstenild) shared how these two cities are the perfect mix for his playful eye.

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When did you first pick up a camera?

I have pictures from my early childhood where I was captivated by my dad ́s cameras, but I first starting shooting for a short period in my mid-teens. Life took me in all other directions but always having an interest rooted in a creative approach influenced by both my parents work in advertising and fashion.

Do you have specific influences in your work?

I feel I’m a bit of a hybrid, my influences comes from everything ranging from art, movies, other photographers and even random observations of my surroundings that has nothing to do with photography other that having an open mind and a playful eye.

What would you say is your signature as a photographer?

The playful eye and the desire to keep evolving and challenging myself.

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How did you get started?

When I was 8 years old I wanted to be a documentary photographer or a fighter pilot, but I guess the photography path stuck with me until I felt a calling to start shooting the age of 26 and shortly after I ended up assisting a photographer who helped me form and gave me freedom to experiment in my off hours, he even helped me out with my first clients after I left his studio and returned from New York where I assisted for a period "Thank you Robin".

What’s been the most surprising element of your job?

I don’t really feel surprised, I would rather say that I’m happy for all the amazing people that has the same urge as myself to create and’s a daily joy.

Any other artistic mediums you are interested in exploring?

Directing and art on other mediums...I like the idea of not being in a box and have to fit specific norms.

What gets you off - literally and figuratively?

In both cases it’s about chasing a high and being inspired in both a visual and physical, art, sports, love and life in general.

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Film or digital?

It all depends on the job, I like both and want to push myself on both platforms, but I must admit that being given the choice, then I would love to shoot most work on film.

You’re between New York and Copenhagen - are there certain things in these cities that have influenced you? What makes them a special place for you?

I’m inspired differently from both places...New York is like a fresh canvas that pushes me in the desire to keep developing and it’s something I can use when being back in Scandinavia where it all started for me, but that also contains a certain level of comfortless...on the other hand I feel Scandinavia gives me a good deal of aesthetics and a healthy portion of discipline, it’s a perfect mix :)


If you could choose any era to work in which it would be? Why?

I’m pretty content on where I am, I love the now and how diverse in regards of different styles the medium of photography has evolved.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Following my gut feeling and having the courage to change direction and being able to live of what I love.

Who or what would be your dream subject to shoot?

The next subject that brings me joy in the process and the result.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Being perfect.

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